Historical view

Since the second half of the 20th centurythe European eel stock is declining. At that time, glass eels, one of the eel's development stages, were fished with no limit of catches by French professional and recreational fishermen. As this fish is not sold at the fish auction like the other fish, producers directly sold their production to the ten fish wholesalers located in France. Glass eels were almost exclusively for human consumption at glass eel stage or eels. The Asian market, with a very high price per kilo, was the most profitable market.

To reduce human-caused mortality, the European Union Council voted in September 2007 an European Regulation EC No 1100/2007imposing the establishment of a regulation of fishing activity for the Member States concerned and to reserve 60% of production to the restocking operations of European rivers.

In the French Eel Management Plan adopted in 2010, only the professional fishing of the European eel species is allowed, with the setting up of a national fishing quota whose 60% is reserved for restocking and 40% for consumption

The European eel has been listed on the Appendix II of CITESan international agreement which control international trade in species listed on its appendices to protect them from over-exploitation. In 2010 glass eels can’t be sold outside the Europe anymore 

Glass eels fishing represents an important part of the activity of the fishermen from Loire basin, these regulations were heavy of consequences on glass eels’ market and on the profitability of the companies. Faced with a sudden decline in demand and a constant decrease in prices, the professional maritime and river fishermen of the Pays de la Loire got strongly involved in creating a cooperative structure able to adapt production to the market.

C’est ainsi qu’est née l’OP Estuaires en 2013, regroupant près d’1/3 des producteurs français de civelle et 40 % du quota national, avec le soutien du Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins des Pays de la Loire (COREPEM).