Eel management plan

Afin de répondre au European Regulation EC No 1100/2007, la France a élaboré son Plan de Gestion Anguille (PGA), validé en 2010 par la Commission européenne.
The French EMP plans to act in the short and medium term on the main anthropogenic factors of mortality and disturbance of the eel :
– Reduce and regulate professional fishing activity (fishing quota, quota of licenses, catch control)
– Prohibit recreational fishing of glass eels and limit yellow eel fishing
– Ensure the preservation and recovery of habitats : protection of habitats, measures to improve fish passage at hydroelectric dams.  
– Reduce eels mortality at pumping stations
– Reduce eels mortality by chemical pollution
– Reduce poaching by locking the commercial chain
In order to take account of local specificities, its implementation is declined at the level of the large river bassins, also called Eel Management Unit (EMU).

French EMP provides that 5 to 10% of the national restocking quota be reserved for National restocking projects, the rest being intended for European restocking operations.