Online declaration of catches

Since the introduction of fishing quotas quotas in 2010 the monitoring of catches and consumption of glass eel sub-quotas in France were done by paper declarations then sent by the fishermen to the local or national Administration. Transmission and processing of this documents take quite a long time whereas the achievement of sub-quotas can be quick in case of high quantity of glass eels in the estuary. Consequently, when there was no limit of catches the risk of overconsumption was high.

So it was required to develop a new tool allowing a quicker tramsmission of catches data.

This is why in 2013, COREPEM, AADPPMFEDLA and CRPMEM Bretagne, supported by SMIDAP, worked on the development of the TELECACIVELLE platform

The principle is to allow professionals to report their catches by text message; this information is then processed by the platform, allowing local structures to know in real time the level of consumption of sub-quotas. This tool also allows the professional to know the total quantity declared for the current season and to avoid exceeding the authorized catch limit per fisherman

OP Estuaires’ members report their catches via Télécacivelle since 2013-2014 then using Télécapêche (update of Télécacivelle) since 2017-2018.

The consumption levels of the sub-quotas are transmitted weekly to the competent authorities. At the national level, these data from online declarations, as well as data from paper declarations and purchases made by wholesalers are compared every week, in order to avoid any risk of being exceeded.

Fisheries Ministries are currently working on developing their own catches reporting application to replace paper reporting :

  • CESMIA for river profesional fishermen running since december 2019.
  • VISOCaptures for maritime professionals, implementation scheduled for the end of 2021.